You may have seen a commercial for Cingular Wireless with a guy wailing on an acoustic guitar. This is a version of the intro to a song called "Mary Had a Little Lamb" originally recorded by George "Buddy" Guy in 1968, and also recorded by Stevie Ray Vaughan. I'm not familiar enough with versions of this song to tell if it is a complete rip-off or just a partial one, but it definitely sounds pretty groovy to me, although it's by no means perfect in a musical sense. I managed to record a show that had the commericial in it, and I captured it. Wanna listen (mp3, 213k -- warning: this is not me playing)?
I found some tablature for the Stevie Ray Vaughan version, and I worked from there. The first measure was pretty close, but it deviated here and there after that, other than the basic chord progression. As you can see below, I've got most of it done, although I'm not 100% confident in the chord voicings (particularly the A7...watching the commercial, I don't think he's doing exactly what I have below, and he's doing something funny with his middle finger, although it may just be muting strings). The fill in the fifth measure is a little too fast for my tin ears to pick out, so I'm still working on that. He's also doing some weird stuff in the fill in the sixth measure that I'm having trouble with. Like I said, I've got tin ears.
I don't have an mp3 of me doing this yet because I can't play it well enough for it to be worth recording. That will come later, hopefully.
E7 E7 E |--7\2-------------------------X--|--------------------------X--| B |------------------------------8--|--------------------------8--| G |------------------------------7--|--------------------------7--| D |------------0-----------------6--|--0-----0-----0-----------6--| A |------0--2-----0--2--0--------7--|----0h2---0h2---0h2-0-----7--| E |------------------------3--0--X--|-----------------------0--X--| A7 E7 E |------------------------------3--|--------------------------X--| B |------------------------------2--|--------------------------8--| G |----------------2\4/2---------2--|--------------------------7--| D |--0-----0--0--2---------2-----2--|--0-----0-----------------6--| A |----0h2--------------------0-----|----0h2----0--2--0--------7--| E |---------------------------------|--------------------3--0--X--| B7 E7 E |------------------------------2--|--------------------------X--| B |--??????????????????????????--0--|--???????????????????-----8~-| G |------------------------------2--|--------------------------7~-| D |------------------------------1--|--------------------------6~-| A |------------------------------2--|--------------------------7~-| E |------------------------------X--|-----------------------0--X--| E7 (pauses, squeaks the strings) (I did it this way E |--------------------------X--| for formatting convenience) B |--------------------------8--| G |--------------------------7--| D |--------------------------6--| A |--------------------------7--| E |-----------------------0--X--| A7 (dude starts talking here) E7 E |------------------------------3--|--------------------------X--| B |------------------------------2--|--------------------------8--| G |----------------2\4/2---------2--|--------------------------7--| D |--0-----0--0--2---------2-----2--|--0-----0--------0--------6--| A |----0h2--------------------0-----|----0h2----0--2-----------7--| E |---------------------------------|--------------------3--0--X--|Everywhere he actually strums a chord, I just put the main chord voicing, but he seems to be doing something kind of like this in most cases (except the little bendy thing at the end of the sixth measure):
D U D D D U D D E |--X---X-X-X--X-X-X-X--| B |--8---X-X-8--X-X-8-8--| D = down stroke G |--7---X-X-7--X-X-7-7--| U = up stroke D |--6-----X-6--X-X-6-6--| A |--7-----X-7--X-X-7-7--| E |--X-----X-X--X-X-X-X--|